Sunday, May 29, 2016

White Watchers GoT Recap: 6.5 “The Door”

This is a recap of Game of Thrones season 6 episode 5 “The Door.”

********Show and Book SPOILERS below**********

This episode opened with Sansa receiving a letter while sewing. It was from Baelish, who she then met in Moles Town. When he offered her his army, she confronted him about his part in her marriage to Ramsay. She refused to take his help, but she did latch onto his suggestion that she seek out her uncle the Blackfish in Riverrun. It also looks like she may have taken to heart his insinuation that she can’t fully trust her half-brother, because she chose not to tell him that she met with Baelish. Incidentally, a fair amount of time must have passed between this episode and the last if Baelish had time to travel and Sansa had time to sew cloaks for Jon and herself. I hope Rickon is still okay, as that means he’s now been with Ramsay for a substantial amount of time.

It looks like Brienne is headed to the Riverlands (and towards her book storyline?) to recruit the Tullys to the cause. Jon plans to find some Northmen to follow him, starting with smaller houses and building from there.

Arya, still in Braavos, was tasked with killing an actress, Lady Crane. She seemed a touch reluctant, but she agreed to give the gift anyway. While spying on her target, she watched a play about the Starks and the Lannisters in a call-back to the first time she saw her father beheaded in season one.

Meanwhile on Pyke, Euron won the bid for the Salt throne after promising to marry the Mother of Dragons. He also admitted that he killed Balon. Theon did a good thing and kept his promise to support his sister, which means he’s stuck with her now. Euron now wants to kill them, and the two escaped with their supporters and a fair number of Euron’s ships.

In Mereen, Tyrion met with a High Priestess of the Lord of Light who believes that Dany is The One Who Was Promised. The priestess plans to burn the unbelievers, apparently. She was also was very rude to Varys (whose past she somehow knows) when he expressed doubts against her. It looks like Tyrion is going to use her to inspire obedience in the Queen’s followers.

Dany, now the khal of a mega-khalasar, commanded Jorah to find the cure to his grayscale. At least he knows she cares.

And then there’s Bran. Bran found out that the Children created the White Walkers, but before he could ask about the children about them he went and got himself caught in a dream by the Night’s King. And then they came for him, destroying the Three-Eyed Raven, and the ancient tree, and the children, and his wolf Summer, and Hodor. Meera (who killed a White Walker, good job Meera) and Bran escaped. But the major event of the episode was the revelation of how Hodor came to be. Bran, it seems, reached out to him in the present/past to affect him in the present/future, making him hold the door of the cave so that they could escape and permanently muddling his mind. And so Hodor was born. And it was heartbreaking.


There were some really engrossing moments this episode: The emotional development for Sansa and Daenerys was more than welcome; the kingsmoot was sufficiently tense even though I knew the outcome from the books; and the ending was both frightening and incredibly sad. We also got some major lore reveal when we found out that the Children created the White Walkers. So all in all, it was a great episode with an even greater impact.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 kings.

Also, #savethedirewolves2k16.

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