Sunday, May 29, 2016

White Watchers GoT Recap: 6.6 “Blood of my Blood”

This is a recap of Game of Thrones season 6 episode 6 “Blood of my Blood.”

********Show and Book SPOILERS below**********

This episode started with Meera and Bran in the woods, still running from the White Walkers. Clearly they have at least momentarily passed Jon and Sansa as most important, because not only did the episode not start at Castle Black for the first time this season, but Jon and Sansa and those storyline-adjacent to them were not even in this episode.

But anyway, Bran (who I guess is now the Three-eyed Raven) had some more trance-flashbacks while Meera pulled him in his sleigh until she couldn’t anymore and the wights caught up. Luckily for Breera(?), Cold Hands saved their butts and faces with his twirling fire balls. And also, he’s Benjen Stark (this is particularly surprising for book readers because it’s divergent from the books, where Cold Hands is ancient but…cool).

Arya decided not to kill Lady Crane after all, and now that faceless girl who hates her is going to kill Arya instead. (Sidenote: I don’t think that girl is a very good faceless person if she has such a strong desire to kill Arya. Since they’ve been trying to stamp personal feelings out of Arya since she got there, doesn’t it seem like they’re supposed to be a little more objective about feelings, and particularly about death?) Arya reunited with Needle, though, so watch out faceless girl.

There was absolutely nothing from any of the other Starks, from Tyrion and Varys in Mereen, or from Pyke.

But we did get to see Sam this episode. Sam took Gilly to Horn Hill, where his father acted like a piece of crap, which caused Sam to decide to steal his Valyrian steel blade (Heart’s Bane) and take Gilly elsewhere so that they can stay together. (So is he going to go to Oldtown at all? Because the maesters don’t accept women…)

Down in King Lannister Land, things are changing. It looks like Margaery manipulated the High Sparrow and King Tommen into making an alliance to save her from a walk of shame. But the Lannisters and the Tyrells are not pleased with how much power this gives the High Sparrow. They would rather have been able to just kill him. To add insult to injury, Tommen banished Jaime to the Riverlands (THE RIVERLANDS. Book-readers, I’m talking to you).

Speaking of, we caught a brief glimpse of the Riverlands this episode, where Walder Frey has recently lost Riverrun to the Blackfish and continues losing control. He still holds Edmund Tully captive though, and he’s not afraid to use him.

And then there is Daenerys, who gave a speech to her khalasar atop her massive dragon. So….


It was a fine episode. A bit of a dip after last week’s, but I wouldn’t call it bad. It brought in a couple threads from the books (I totally called Cold Hands) as well as a few unexpected twists (what happened at Baelor’s Sept).

I personally am really excited that it looks like we actually will be getting the Riverlands storyline, since we thought we weren’t going to get it after all that Jaime-in-Dorne crap they fed us last season. I’m also excited for Cersei’s trial by combat and Arya’s return home (knock on wood).

This episode really felt mostly like filler and set-up to me. The coolest part was definitely Cold Hands, and the rest was just not as interesting. And the ending was probably one of the least interesting of the season so far, at least for me. It didn’t change anything. Plus, I just find myself struggling to be excited about Dany because she’s just making me so nervous.

But honestly, I did like the episode. So.

I give it 3 out of 5 kings.

At least none of the direwolves died.

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